How can marketers go about assessing social media/marketing and the potential opportunities it holds? I tackle this question in this month’s E-Commerce Link (Target Marketing Magazine). Busy e-commerce executives want answers beyond “how to blog” or “how to podcast” or “how to use video”. They’re looking, first, to understand WHY they should even CONSIDER jumping in. This is my focus.
I give readers the goods on how to actually make the decision — how to assess if opportunity exists for your company and, if so, how to go about creating a winning strategy.
I’m proud to contribute this piece to my friends at Target Marketing and announce the release of a free educational video series in weeks ahead (on this same subject). Stay tuned!
Read the full article here:
Acquisition 2.0: Experiential marketing is changing the game
I read the article you did for Target.
You write that the notion of ROI must be redefined and we couldn’t agree more. As you know we focus on what we call the Soft Sell market and Soft Sell marketers. Here’s a brief description for your readers.
Soft Sell is all about the difference between ROI and ROE.
If someone buys something from you and they expect that the amount of money they pay for it will return to them plus a profit, that’s called an ROI – Return on Investment – transaction.
This is the way most standard business transactions are designed and understood.
But what if you’re a parenting counselor and someone comes to you for advice with their 5 year old. You make a suggestion and it works. Their child is better. And they give you a check.
Do they expect the amount of the check to return to them plus a profit? No. That’s not the nature of the transaction.
What you’ve done is changed their life experience. And for that type of transaction we use the term ROE – Return of Experience.
Soft Sell marketers specialize in ROE – Return of Experience. To quote you, they “create authentic digital experiences” as well as offline experiences for those they serve and service.
Bravo, Jeff. Keep opening new horizons.
Judith & Jim